Ciego de Ávila, Matanzas
Conducted by
Pastor Thomas J. Scull
with the support of
Mrs. Jeanne Scull, Mark Roller
Joel Broche, the local church pastor.
This beautiful church (◄) is located just off the main town square. We visited this church on Sabbath morning. The people appeared to be a little better off than those who attended the churches in the agricultural areas where we had visited the previous few days. The three Sabbath School classrooms upstairs were filled to overflowing. | |
Elder Tom Scull (►), a pastor from Bloomfield, Missouri, spoke each evening to the 350+ who attended the meetings. These represented a cross-section of the community. In addition to the adults more than 150 children attended.. | |
Roller (◄, right) had been out on the streets
"talking" to
people (though he doesn't speak Spanish) and inviting them to the meetings. It appears with his good looks and pleasing personality, he didn't need a
translator to get his message across. Mark
also helped out in presenting some Bible studies in some local homes. With
the help of Abdiel Miranda (◄,
left) he also took charge of
operating the laptop computer and projector with the campaign graphics. On the piano (▼) are some of the instruments used to provide a high-quality program each evening. |
It is
true. Water does seem to taste better the more one has to work for
it (▲)! The members of this church go out their way to make everybody feel welcome. The lady greeters (►) wear banners that say "welcome". |
The Pastor of this church, Joel Broche (◄), has a well organized team handling the myriad of details in an evangelistic program. | |
The Campaign group was well pleased with the success to date and anticipates a number of baptisms. Joining Elder and Mrs. Scull and pictured between them in the picture below, are two translators. Violeta Holdeip (on the left, in blue) is 79 years old and also serves as SS teacher and pianist while Maritza Calderin (by Jeanne Scull) while Maritza Calderin also assists with translation needs. | |
Leticia de los Dolores started her journey toward God going to a Pentecostal Church. Then she began attending the Seventh-day Adventist Church upon the invitation of a friend. Another Adventist lady met her on the street and encouraged her to continue attending church and began to give her Bible studies. She told us that the Sabbath truth caused a positive impact in her life even though she endures a great deal of opposition from her husband and her entire family. She is struggling to overcome many things in her life but God is giving her victory after victory in spite of all the opposition and difficulties. She has made the decision to follow Jesus and has found a beautiful family in the church. She added, "Her church family is better than her own blood relatives." |