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February 14  to March 1, 2003

(Page last updated on 03/07/2003)

Dominican Union

Union Coordinator: Pas. Silvestre González Tabar Address: Respaldo Fantino Falco 1-A; Enshanche Piantini, Santo Domingo, Republica Dominicana  E-mail: adra AT   Telephone: (809) 227-1988

Orientation Hotel Information

Hotel:  Dominican Fiesta Address: Av. Anacaona, Los Casicazgos Telephone: (809) 562-8222 Price Single and Double: US$54.00  Meals: RD$225

Travel Instructions

Participants in this campaign should fly directly to Santo Domingo and plan to arrive there no later than Tuesday evening, February 11.  The Dominican Union will arrange to meet your flight and take you to the Dominican Fiesta Hotel, mentioned above where the orientation will be held on Wednesday, February 12.  Mission leaders will arrange ground transportation from the Dominican Fiesta to the respective Hotel Cities after the orientation on Wednesday afternoon. In a few cases departure may be on Thursday morning.


Translation: Speakers for the campaigns indicated by a yellow background need translation.   Traducción: Oradores para las campañas indicados con fondos en amarrillo necesitarán traducción.
Sponsorship: The individuals listed in cells highlighted with a white background are being sponsored by The Quiet Hour.
Area Moderator: We have asked a experienced person in each area (hotel city) to serve as moderator or facilitator for those who are leading out in campaigns in that particular area.  Those individuals, whose names are highlighted and underlined below, will lead out in the morning meeting with all the guest team members and local pastors.

Central Dominican Mission

Campaign Coordinator: Pas. Oscar Tavera Bueno   Address: Calle Juan Sanchez Ramirez #40, Santo Domingo, República Dominicana;  Office Tel: (809) 698-2101;  698-2102;  687-7594  Cell: (809) 803-9515  Fax: (809) 687-4281;  688-0489  E-Mail: adven AT 

Hotel City: Santo Domingo

Hotel name: Dominican Fiesta  Address: Ave. Anacaona, Sto. Domingo, Dominican Republici  Tel: 809-562-8222  Fax: 809-482-8938  E-mail: sales-dominican AT  Website:  Price single and double: US$54  The rooms are air-conditioned.  Meals: Breakfast is included as long as there are two or less in the room.

Evangelistic Speakers
Site Name / City Speaker Address E-mail & phones CG* Flight
1. Canástica Central / San Cristobal Mr. Steve Hamilton (50) (CDV) [7-1; 5-1, 8-1] 8709 Waltlee, Louisville, KY 40291 jsh3oak AT
Home Tel: 502-239-0580
  2/11/03 AA#423 10:35pm
2. Bethel / Sto. Domingo Dr. Randall Steffens (41)(CDV)[2-2,3, 4,5,6] P.O. Box 6, Carthage,  TN  37030 or 17 Flat Rock Rd., Lebanon, TN 37090 rlsteff AT
Home Tel: 615-443-1536
Work/cell Tel: 615-604-0142
  2/12/02 AA#423 10:35p
3. Las Caobas / Sto. Domingo Pas. Robert Lawson (45) (CDV) [3-2, 3-3] 5909 Woodhaven Ridge Ct., Louisville, KY 40291 ralawson74 AT
Home Tel: 502-671-8744
Work/cell Tel: 502-671-8744
  2/11/03 AA#423 10:35pm
4. Madre Vieja Sur / San Cristobal          
5. La Paz / Sto. Domingo Mr. Steve P Mattingly (43) (CDV) [1-1; 7-1; 8-1] 8380 New Haven Rd., New Haven, KY 40051 ssnjj113710 AT
Home Tel: 502-549-3218
  2/11/03 AA#423 10:35pm
6. Smirna / Sto. Domingo Mr. David C Voignier (34)(CDV) [6-2,3,4] 1905 Roosevelt Drive #25, Sellersburg, IN 47172 dvoignier AT
Home Tel: (812) 246-5738
Work/cell Tel: 502-643-2851
  2/11/03 AA#423 10:35pm
7. Humildad II / Sto. Domingo Mr. Tony Callahan (48) (CD) [1-1; 5-1; 8-1] 1681 Bratcher Lane, Vine Grove, KY 470175-9693 l170810 AT
Home Tel: 270-828-5502
Work/cell Tel: 502-432-3472
  2/11/03 AA#423 10:35pm
8. Nazaret / Sto. Domingo Mr. Roy Simonds (70) (CDV) [1-1; 7-1; 5-1] P.O. Box 91, Enterprise,
KS 67441, or 501 Layton Lane, Enterprise, KS 67441
simonds AT
Home Tel: 785-263-8951
  2/11/03 AA#423 10:35pm
The "CG" in the next-to-the-last column above stands for "Carolina Graphics."  An "X" in that column indicates that the guest evangelist wants to rent a set (laptop computer, remote control system, and video projector).
Campaign Site Information

Site Name / Mtg place

Speaker Congregations / Members Supporting Est. Attendance / Baptismal goal Km. from Hotel
1. Canástica Central / San Cristobal / 1 Mr. Steve Hamilton 3 / 300 175 / 80 30
2. Bethel / Sto. Domingo / 1 Dr. Randall Steffens 1 / 200 120 / 50 4
3. Las Caobas / Sto. Domingo / 1 Pas. Robert Lawson 8 / 450 270 / 70 3
4. Madre Vieja Sur / San Cristobal / 1   1 / 150 60 / 20 30
5. La Paz / Sto. Domingo / 1 Mr. Steve P Mattingly 1 / 225 200 / 40 1
6. Smirna / Sto. Domingo / 3 Mr. David C Voignier 5 / 350 300 / 75 2
7. Humildad II / Sto. Domingo / 1 Mr. Tony Callahan 2 / 180 60 / 35 4
8. Nazaret / Sto. Domingo / 1 Roy Simonds 2 / 160 150 / 50 5
The number after the site name indicates the type of venue: 1=church building,  2=public hall, 3=stadium, and 4=outdoor site.

East Dominican Conference

Campaign Coordinator: Pas. Gregorio Mercedes  Address: Avenida Mauricio Baez, No. 2 (Esq. Independencia), San Pedro de Macoris, Republica Dominicana;  Tel: (809) 529-5576;  529-5460  Fax: (809) 529-5523  E-Mail: jovenesade AT  Tel home: (809) 553-7646

Hotel City: Higuey

Hotel name: Barcelo Naranjo  Address: Altagracia Esq. Juan 23, Higuey, Dominican Republic  Tel: (809) 554-3400    Price single: US$38.00   Price double: US$42.00 Price triple: US$48.00  Meals: Estimated cost for three meals taken in the hotel: US$20.00  The rooms are air-conditioned.

Transportation from the Orientation City to the Hotel City: Transportation from Sto. Domingo to Higuey will take 3.5 hours and cost US$10.
Evangelistic Speakers
Site Name / City Speaker Address E-mail & phones CG* Flight
9. Central / Higuey Pas. Bob Stephan (41) (CDV) [alone] 2310 Carpenter St., Mount Vernon, Wash. 98274 ROBERTNCYNTHIA AT  r: 360-424-0138   2/11/03 AA#1901 8:40p
10. La Redención / Higuey Pastor Terry Pflugrad (42) (CDV) [10-2] P. O. Box 1110, Delta Jct., AK 9737-1110 or 5842 Birch Lane, Delta Jct., AK  99737-1110 terry1usa AT
Home Tel: 907-895-1007
Work/cell Tel: 907-590-9333
  2/10/03 AA#423 10:35p
11. La Otra Banda / Higuey Dr. David DeRose (44) (CDV) [alone] P.O. Box 201, Mannsville, OK 73447 docderose AT
Home Tel: 580-371-9900
  2/11/03 AA#1711 2:32pm
The "CG" in the next-to-the-last column above stands for "Carolina Graphics."  An "X" in that column indicates that the guest evangelist wants to rent a set (laptop computer, remote control system, and video projector).
Campaign Site Information

Site Name / Mtg place

Speaker Congregations / Members Supporting Est. Attendance / Baptismal goal Km. from Hotel
9. Central / 1 Pas. Bob Stephan 5 / 450 600 / 175 1
10. La Redención / 1  Pas. Terry Pflugrad 6 / 400 500 / 150 2
11. La Otra Banda / 1 Dr. David DeRose 5 / 300 400 / 150 6
The number after the site name indicates the type of venue: 1=church building,  2=public hall, 3=stadium, and 4=outdoor site.


Hotel City: San Pedro de Macorís

Hotel name: Hotel Royal  Tel: E-mail:  Prince for double bed: RD$350  Price for room with two beds: RD$500   Church members are willing to prepare meals for the speakers and support team members. The price and frequency of meals will be negotiated by the team after their arrival. 

Transportation:  The price per person for the 1 hour trip from Santo Domingo, to San Pedro de Macorís is US$5.
Evangelistic Speakers
Site Name / City Speaker Address E-mail & phones CG* Flight
12. Central / San Pedro Dr. Bruce Powers (64) (CDV) [13-2] 8259 E. Nopal Ave., Mesa, AZ 85208 Bruce AT    r: (480) 357 1717   2/11/03 AA423 10:27p
13. Villa Magdalena / San Pedro          
14. Bo. Mexico / San Pedro Mr. Danny Poff (40) (CDV) [14-2] P.O. Box 541, Boones Mill, VA 24065; or 101 Poff Lane, Boones Mill, VA 24065 drpoff AT
r: 540-334-1757; or w/c: 540-761-9757
  2/11/03 AA#1901 8:39pm
The "CG" in the next-to-the-last column above stands for "Carolina Graphics."  An "X" in that column indicates that the guest evangelist wants to rent a set (laptop computer, remote control system, and video projector).
Campaign Site Information

Site Name / Mtg place

Speaker Congregations / Members Supporting Est. Attendance / Baptismal goal Km. from Hotel
12. Central / 1 Dr. Bruce Powers 5 / 600 450 / 180 2
13. Villa Magdalena / 1   3 / 300 350 / 150 3
14. Bo. Mexico / 1 Mr. Danny Poff 5 / 350 350 / 150 2
The number after the site and city names indicates the type of venue: 1=church building,  2=public hall, 3=stadium, and 4=outdoor site.


Hotel City: La Romana

Hotel name: Hotel Olimpo Address:  Tel:  Price double bed: RD$400 Price two beds: RD$600

Transportation:  The price per person for the two hour trip from the capital, Santo Domingo, to San Juan is US10.00.
Evangelistic Speakers
Site Name / City Speaker Address E-mail & phones CG* Flight
15. Central / La Romana Mr. Leo Doucet (39) (CDV) [15-2; 15-3; 15-4] 1088 Bishop St Apt. 203, Honolulu, HI 96813 doucet AT
Home Tel: 808-398-1261
Work/cell Tel: 808-398-1261
  2/10/03 AA#1901 8:39pm
16. Villa Paraiso / La Romana Pas. Wesley O McDonald (49) (CDV) [46-1] RR 1Box 1208, Shamokin,  PA 17872 wesmc AT  r:  (570) 644-5638;  w/c: (570) 644-5638   2/10/03 US#1995 2:55 pm
17. La Esperanza / La Romana Mr. Michael Muller (41) (CDV) [alone] 1234-a Center St., Honolulu, HI 96816 mullerm001 AT
Home Tel: 808 735 1337
X 2/10/03 AA#1901 8:39pm
The "CG" in the next-to-the-last column above stands for "Carolina Graphics."  An "X" in that column indicates that the guest evangelist wants to rent a set (laptop computer, remote control system, and video projector).
Campaign Site Information

Site Name / Mtg place

Speaker Congregations / Members Supporting Est. Attendance / Baptismal goal Km. from Hotel
15. Central / 1 Mr. Leo Doucet 4 / 350 400 / 150 12
16. Villa Paraiso / 1 Pas. Wesley O McDonald 6 / 400 500 / 200 12
17. La Esperanza / 1 Mr. Michael Muller 4 / 350 400 / 150 12
The number after the site and city names indicates the type of venue: 1=church building,  2=public hall, 3=stadium, and 4=outdoor site.

North Dominican Conference

Mission Evangelism Coordinator: Pas. Wilfredo Ruiz   Address: Ave. Juan P Duarte, Esq. Mexico, Santiago, Dominican Republic;  Tel: (809) 582-6688; (809) 696-4964  Fax:  (809) 583-8330 E-Mail: adn AT Cell: (809) 696-4964

Hotel City: Santiago

Hotel name: Aloha Sol  Address: Calle El Sol #50, Santiago, Dominican Republic  Tel: 809-583-0090  Fax: 809-583-0950  Hotel prices are per room, and include breakfast. Standard room: USUS$43.00 Executive-superior room:  US$50.00  The rooms are air-conditioned.  Meals: Estimated cost of additional meals taken in the hotel is US$10.

Transportation:  The price per person for the two hour trip from the capital, Santo Domingo, to Santiago is US$6.00.
Evangelistic Speakers
Site Name / City Speaker Address E-mail & phones CG* Flight
18. Central Santiago / Stgo. Pas. Albert Anderson (68) (CDV) [26-1] 47137 Far West Ave., Paisley, FL 32767 albert AT  r: 352-669-4963;  cell, 352-461-6363


2/11/03 AA#5188 5:13 pm
19. Sion / Stgo. Pas. John Bilbro (78) (CDV) [23-1] P.O. Box 311, Jordan,  MT  59337 or 814 Leavitt Ave, Jordan, MT 59337 bilbro AT
Home Tel: 406-557-2322
4700 2/11/03 AA#1901 8:39pm
20. Caridad / Stgo.  Dr. Talula E. Cartwright (55) (CDV) 513 W. Kivett St., Asheboro, NC 27203 cartwrightt AT
Home Tel: 336-629-9630
Work/cell Tel: 336-286-4509
4490 2/10/03 AA#1711 2:32pm
21. Bethel / Stgo.          
22. Bethania / Stgo.          
23. La Hermosa / Stgo. Mr. Thomas Bour (55) (CDV) [19-1] 904 Sandlewood Dr., Durham, NC
soccer3 AT
r: 919-477-8665; w/c: 336-503-6449
  2/11/03 AA#1711 2:32pm
24. Libertad / Stgo. Mr. Vince MacIssac (32)  (CDV) (alone) 1307 College St. B, Oxford, NC 27565 sdatoday AT   r: 919-692-1207   2/11/03 AA#1711 2:32pm
25. Belen / Stgo.          
26. Renacer / Stgo. Mr. Thomas Stone (77) (CDV) [18-1] Box 190 Tappahannock, VA 22560;  459 Hilltop Ln., Tappahannock, VA 22560  tstone AT;  r: 804 443 4667 4533 2/11/03 US#1995 2:55pm
27. Bella Vista / Stgo.          
The  in the next-to-the-last column above stands for "Carolina Graphics."  An "X" in that column indicates that the guest evangelist wants to rent a set (laptop computer, remote control system, and video projector).
Campaign Site Information

Site Name / Mtg place

Speaker Congregations / Members Supporting Est. Attendance / Baptismal goal Km. from Hotel
18. Central Santiago / 1 Pas. Albert Anderson 1 / 300 200 / 80 2
19. Sion / 1 Pas. John Bilbro 1 / 225 100 / 35 1
20. Caridad / 1  Dr. Talula E. Cartwright 1 / 230 150 / 50 2
21. Bethel / 1   1 / 155 40 / 20 2
22. Bethania / 1   1 / 80 40 / 10 2
23. La Hermosa / 1 Mr. Thomas Bour 1 / 130 100 / 40 4
24. Libertad / 1 Mr. Vince MacIssac 1 / 160 100 / 40 3
25. Belen / 1   1 / 120 50 / 20 3
26. Renacer / 1 Mr. Thomas Stone 1 / 120 60 / 30 2
27. Bella Vista / 1   1 / 60 40 / 10 3
The number after the site name indicates the type of venue: 1=church building,  2=public hall, 3=stadium, and 4=outdoor site.

Northeast Dominican Experimental Mission

Mission Coordinator: Henry Beras  Address: Calle Padre Brea #46, Esquina Salomé Ureña, San Francisco de Macorís, República Dominicana  Tel office: 809-588-5222  Tel home: 809-725-3612 Cell: 809-710-5861       Fax: 809-588-9121  E-Mail: herrerayortiz AT

Hotel City: Samaná

Hotel name: Gran Bahia Tel: 809-538-3111 Website: Price: US$48.00 per person and includes all meals, drinks and taxes.

Transportation:  The price per person for the 4.5 hour trip from the capital, Santo Domingo, to Samaná is US$30.
NOTE:  Three campaigns originally planned have been consolidated into one.
Evangelistic Speakers
Site Name / City Speaker Address E-mail & phones CG* Flight
28.  Samana / Samana          
29. Cancelled
30. Cancelled
The "CG" in the next-to-the-last column above stands for "Carolina Graphics."  An "X" in that column indicates that the guest evangelist wants to rent a set (laptop computer, remote control system, and video projector).
Campaign Site Information

Site Name / Mtg place

Speaker Congregations / Members Supporting Est. Attendance / Baptismal goal Km. from Hotel
28.  Samana /  1   3/180 200 / 50 1
29. Cancelled
30. Cancelled
The number after the site name indicates the type of venue: 1=church building,  2=public hall, 3=stadium, and 4=outdoor site.


Hotel City: San Francisco de Macorís

Hotel name: Las Caobas   Address: Via Penetración Sur, Urb. Almanzar, San Francisco de Macorís, Dominican Republic  Tel: 809-290-5858  Fax: 809'290-2154  Price single: US$30  Price double:  US$35  Rooms are air-conditioned.   Hotel price includes breakfast.  Estimated price of additional meals taken in the hotel: US$7.50

Transportation:  The price per person for the 2 hour trip from the capital, Santo Domingo, to San Francisco de Macorís is US$10.
Evangelistic Speakers
Site Name / City Speaker Address E-mail & phones CG* Flight
31. San Fco. Macoris / SFM          
32. San Fco. Macoris / SFM Pascual Soret (72) (CDV) Apartado 121, 26500 Calahorra - La Rioja, ESPAÑA euromueble AT  011-34-696-405487-cell       011-34-941-134105-bus   2/9/03 AA#423 10:27pm
33. San Fco. Macoris / SFM Mr. Daniel Lopez (34) [alone] C/ Petres 7,23, Sagunto, 46500 Valencia, Spain danlf AT
r: 011-34687908713
  2/10/03 Air Europa #089 6:50pm
The "CG" in the next-to-the-last column above stands for "Carolina Graphics."  An "X" in that column indicates that the guest evangelist wants to rent a set (laptop computer, remote control system, and video projector).
Campaign Site Information

Site Name / Mtg place

Speaker Congregations / Members Supporting Est. Attendance / Baptismal goal Km. from Hotel
31. San Fco. Macoris / SFM / 1   2 / 200 70 / 25 1
32. San Fco. Macoris / SFM / 2 Pascual Soret 4 / 190 50 / 35 3
33. San Fco. Macoris / SFM / 2 Mr. Daniel Lopez 3 / 155 50 / 40 4
The number after the site and city names indicates the type of venue: 1=church building,  2=public hall, 3=stadium, and 4=outdoor site.


Hotel City: Bonao

Hotel name: The Dominican Adventist University, located on the outskirts of Bonao, will provide housing in dormitory rooms and three meals at a price of US$15 per person per day.

Transportation:  The price per person for the 1 hour trip from the capital, Santo Domingo, to Bonao is US$6.
Evangelistic Speakers
Site Name / City Speaker Address E-mail & phones CG* Flight
34. Patio del Colegio / Bonao Dr. Harvey N Miller (78) (CDV)  4422 Mayapan Drive, La Mesa, CA  91941-7144  hnm91941 AT
r: 619-590-2648
  2/10/03 AA#899 11:07p
35. Los Transformadores / Bonao Mr. Bob C Marcus (45) (CDV) 16424 South Sherman Road, Cheney,  WA  99004  bob.marcus AT
Home Tel: (509) 443-1102
w/c: (509) 951-2506
  2/11/03 AA#1901 8:39:pm
36. Sonador / Bonao Mr. James Haynes (60) [36-2] 464 Savanna Lane, Roseburg, OR 97470 jnkhaynes AT
Home Tel: 541-673-1776
  2/11/03 AA#1901 8:39:pm
The "CG" in the next-to-the-last column above stands for "Carolina Graphics."  An "X" in that column indicates that the guest evangelist wants to rent a set (laptop computer, remote control system, and video projector).
Campaign Site Information

Site Name / Mtg place

Speaker Congregations / Members Supporting Est. Attendance / Baptismal goal Km. from Hotel
34. Patio del Colegio / Bonao / 4 Dr. Harvey N Miller 2 / 150 200 / 35 3
35. Los Transformadores / Bonao / 4 Mr. Bob C Marcus 2 / 100 125 / 25 3
36. Sonador / Bonao / 4 Mr. James Haynes 4 / 170 200 / 40 12
The number after the site and city names indicates the type of venue: 1=church building,  2=public hall, 3=stadium, and 4=outdoor site.


Hotel City: La Vega

Hotel Name:  Hotel Rey  Address:  C/Restauración #3, La Vega, República Dominicana  Tel: 809-573-9797  Fax: 809-242-1985  Price single: US$30   Price double: US$34  Rooms are airconditioned  Meals: RD$175

Transportation: The price per person for the 2 hour trip from the capital, Santo Domingo, to La Vega is US$10.00.
NOTE:  Three campaigns originally planned have been consolidated into one.
Evangelistic Speakers
Site Name / City Speaker Address E-mail & phones CG* Flight
37. Iglesia Central / La Vega          
38. Cancelled
39. Cancelled
The "CG" in the next-to-the-last column above stands for "Carolina Graphics."  An "X" in that column indicates that the guest evangelist wants to rent a set (laptop computer, remote control system, and video projector).
Campaign Site Information

Site Name / Mtg place

Speaker Congregations / Members Supporting Est. Attendance / Baptismal goal Km. from Hotel
37. Iglesia Central / La Vega / 1   5 / 200 200 / 45 1
38. Cancelled
39. Cancelled
The number after the site and city names indicates the type of venue: 1=church building,  2=public hall, 3=stadium, and 4=outdoor site.

Southeast Dominican Mission

Mission Coordinator: Pas. Mauel Paulino Puello    Address:  Jesus de Galidez #54, Ensanche Ozama, Santo Domingo, Rep. Dominicana;  Tel: (809) 592-2264;  Tel: (809) 616-8389; Cell: (809) 491-2451   Fax: (809) 592-4449


Hotel City: Boca Chica

Hotel name: Tropicana Address: _____ Tel: _____ Fax: _____ E-Mail: _____  Price single or double: $35 per room and US$5 for a third person. The mission is arranging a price for breakfast to be served in the hotel.  If it is more than US$2.50 per person, then we have the option of going to the a vegetarian restaurant at the nearby Southeast Mission where the food will be good and all meals are available to this group at US$2.50 per person. This will probably the the best place to eat. They have promised to send me information about the cost of meals at this restaurant.

Transportation:  The price per person for the 45 minute trip from the capital, Santo Domingo, to Boca Chica is US$5.00.
Evangelistic Speakers
Site Name / City Speaker Address E-mail & phones CG* Flight
40. Puente de la 17 / Sto. Dom Pas. Thomas Cusak (52) (CDV) [40-1; 40-2; 43-1] 208 Longacre Ave., Erie, PA 16509 TomMPst AT
r: 814-864-8124
  2/10/03 CO#1950 1:45p
41. Puente Tres Brazos / Sto. Dom. Mr. Thomas P Martin (38) (CDV) [casa particular] 2057 Stumpstown Road, Mechanicsburg, PA
Tomslowtyper AT
r: Tel: 717-766-8199;  w/c 717-697-8000
  2/11/03 AA#619 11:28a
42. Los Trinitarios / Sto. Dom.  Dr. David Otis (44) (CDV) [42-2; 42-3; 42-4 wants 3 rooms for all 8 of his family] 1038 Upper Van Reed Rd., Leesport, PA 19533 102555.2405 AT
Home Tel: 610-376-7798
Work/cell Tel: 610-929-4252 / 610-763-6673
4680 2/10/03 CO#1950 1:45p
43.Salomé Ureña / Sto. Dom. Mrs. Jean Cusak (52) (co preaching with Marquite Klinedinst) (CDV) [40-1; 40-2] 208 Longacre Ave., Erie, PA 16509 jac730 AT
r: 814-864-8124
4630 2/10/03 CO#1950 1:45p
44. Nuevo Renacer / Sto. Dom. Mr. Philip Howson (55) (CDV) [40-3] 2203 Sweetbriar Road. Morrisville, PA 19067 phowson10 AT
r: 215-428-9679;  w/c 908-788-2371 or 267-250-5689
4580 2/10/03 US#1995 2:55 pm
45. Boca Chica 2 / Sto. Dom. Mr. Larry L Lince (49) (CDV) [45-2] 1949 E Union Road, Jefferson, OH  44047 clince AT   r: 440-858-2427;  w/c: 440-358-3961 4523 2/10/03 CO#1950 1:45p
46. La Misericordia / Sto. Dom. Mr. Darrell E. Fink (33) (CDV) [41-1] 584 Peak View Road, York Springs, PA  17372 samuelpdj AT
r: 717-486-8508; w/c: 717-514-7424
4660 2/11/03 AA#619 11:16a
47. Los Frailes 2 / Sto. Dom. Mrs. Ida Otis (41) (CDV) 1038 Upper Van Reed Rd., Leesport, PA 19533 102555.2405 AT
Home Tel: 610-376-7798
Work/cell Tel: 610-929-4252 / 610-763-6673
  2/10/03 CO#1950 1:45p
48. Villa Duarte Central / Sto. Dom. Mrs. Rebecca L Choban (39) (CDV) [46-2] 286 Flat Hill Road,  Pine Grove,  PA 17963 bchoban AT  r:  (570) 345-2133 4720 2/10/03 CO#1950 1:45p
The "CG" in the next-to-the-last column above stands for "Carolina Graphics."  An "X" in that column indicates that the guest evangelist wants to rent a set (laptop computer, remote control system, and video projector).
Campaign Site Information

Site Name / Mtg place

Speaker Congregations / Members Supporting Est. Attendance / Baptismal goal Km. from Hotel
40. Puente de la 17 / 4 Pas. Thomas Cusak 10 / 1,200 700 / 200 15
41. Puente Tres Brazos / 4 Pas. Wesley O McDonald 18 / 2,000 510 / 300 18
42. Club Los Trinitarios / 4 Dr. David Otis 22 / 1,900 480 / 290 19
43.Salomé Ureña / 1 Mrs. Jean Cusak 10 / 500 250 / 150 20
44. Nuevo Renacer / 1 Mr. Philip Howson 11 / 810 300 / 150 20
45. Boca Chica 2 / 1 Mr. Larry L Lince 6 / 500 200 / 100 5
46. La Misericordia / 1 Mr. Darrell E. Fink 3 / 300 200 / 75 10
47. Los Frailes 2 / 1 Thomas P Martin 5 / 400 300 / 100 15
48. Villa Duarte Central / 1 Mrs. Rebecca L Choban 4 / 300 200 / 75 10
The number after the site name indicates the type of venue: 1=church building,  2=public hall, 3=stadium, and 4=outdoor site.

South Dominican Mission

Mission Coordinator: Joél Fernández   Address: Entrada de Azua; Cardretera Sanchez Km 2, Azua, Republica Dominicana  Office Tel: (809) 521-4616;  421-4617  Home: (809) 350-0961 Tel: 809-521-4617  Cell:    Fax: (809) 521-4619


Hotel City: Baní

Hotel name: Caribani  Address: Calle Sanchez #12, Bani, Dominican Republic  Tel: 809-528-3871 Price single: US$23  Price double:  US$25.00   The rooms are air-conditioned.  Meals: Estimated cost of meals taken in the hotel is US$8.00.

Transportation:  The price per person for the 2 hour trip from the capital, Santo Domingo, to Bani is US$10.
Evangelistic Speakers
Site Name / City Speaker Address E-mail & phones CG* Flight
49. Auditorio-Politecnico / Bani Pas. Kevin P Chung (52) (CDV) RR3, Site304, Box8, Onoway, AB
Canada T0E-1V0
kevinpalix AT
Home Tel: 780-967-2002
Work/cell Tel: 780-717-8088
  2/11/03 AA#1901 8:39:pm
50. Iglesia Central I / Bani Mr. Louis Balog (43) (CDV) RR2, S202, B31,  Stony Plain, Alberta, Canada T7Z-1X2 admin AT
Home Tel: (780) 963-7735
Work/cell Tel: (780) 486-5158
  2/11/03 AA#1901 8:39:pm
51. Iglesia Sion / Bani Ms. Stacy Brown (68) 11012-105Ave Apt. #207,  Westlock, AB, Canada,  T7P-1A6 kevinpalix AT
Home Tel: (780) 307-3665
  2/11/03 AA#1901 8:39:pm
52-1 Bani / Bo Maximo Gomez Mrs. Dianne Bablitz (63) (CDV) Box 209, Mayerthorpe,
AB, Canada, T0E-1N0
kevinpalix AT
Home Tel: (780) 786-2164
Work/cell Tel: (780) 786-4577
  2/11/03 AA#1901 8:39:pm
53-1 Bani / Villa Sombrero Mr. Garth Blabey (41) 8111-171st.,  Edmonton, AB, Canada,  T5T-0C4 Kevinpalix AT
Home Tel: (780) 489-4655
  2/11/03 AA#1901 8:39:pm
The "CG" in the next-to-the-last column above stands for "Carolina Graphics."  An "X" in that column indicates that the guest evangelist wants to rent a set (laptop computer, remote control system, and video projector).
Campaign Site Information

Site Name / Mtg place

Speaker Congregations / Members Supporting Est. Attendance / Baptismal goal Km. from Hotel
49. Auditorio-Politecnico / Bani / 4 Pas. Kevin P Chung 5 / 150 300 / 50 15
50. Iglesia Central I / Bani / 1 Mr. Louis Balog 4 / 170 300 / 60 15
51. Iglesia Sion / Bani / 1 Ms. Stacy Brown 3 / 170 250 / 70 20
52-1  Bani / Bo Maximo Gomez / 3 Mrs. Diane Bablitz 3 / 170 250 / 70 1
53-1 Bani / Villa Sombrero / 4 Mr. Garth Blabey ( 5 / 150 300 / 50 2
The number after the site name indicates the type of venue: 1=church building,  2=public hall, 3=stadium, and 4=outdoor site.


Hotel City: Barahona

Hotel name: Gran Hotel Barahona   Address: Jaime Mota #5  Tel:  809-524-3442  Fax: 809-524-5356  Price single: 350.00 pesos  Price double: 450.00 pesos  The rooms are air-conditioned. Meal cost: Breakfast D$45.00; Lunch D$50.00;  Supper D$45.00

Transportation:  The price per person for the 3.5 hour trip from the capital, Santo Domingo, to Barahona is US$20
Evangelistic Speakers
Site Name / City Speaker Address E-mail & phones CG* Flight
54. Barahona / Ciudad Central Pas. Sergio Rodriguez (33) (CDV) 5710 Bossen Terr # 206, Minneapolis,  MN  55417 seribelys AT
Home Tel: 612-247-4507
  2/10/03 AA#5230 7:13pm
55. Barahona / Barrio Batey Central          
The "CG" in the next-to-the-last column above stands for "Carolina Graphics."  An "X" in that column indicates that the guest evangelist wants to rent a set (laptop computer, remote control system, and video projector).
Campaign Site Information

Site Name / Mtg place

Speaker Congregations / Members Supporting Est. Attendance / Baptismal goal Km. from Hotel
54. Barahona / Ciudad Central / 1 Pas. Sergio Rodriguez 10 / 300 100 / 100 1
55. Barahona / Barrio Batey Central / 1   6 / 150 80 / 50 1
The number after the site and city names indicates the type of venue: 1=church building,  2=public hall, 3=stadium, and 4=outdoor site.


Hotel City: San Juan de la Maguana

Hotel name: Areito Address: C/Mella #25, S. Juan, República Dominicana  Tel:  809-557-5322  Fax: 809-551-2772   Price single: 400.00 pesos  Price double: 525.00 pesos  The rooms are air-conditioned.  Meals: RD$100

Transportation:  The price per person for the 2.5 hour trip from the capital, Santo Domingo, to San Juan is US$20
Evangelistic Speakers
Site Name / City Speaker Address E-mail & phones CG* Flight
56. Las Matas de San Juan / Barrio el Mercado / Pas. Robert Wesner (75) (CDV) [58-1] 12110 West Seven Mile Road, Spokane, WA 99224 billeebob AT
Home Tel: 509-466-2007
Work/cell Tel: 509-466-2007/ 509-991-3153
  2/11/03 AA#423 10:35pm
57. San Juan de la M. / Barrio Olímpico Pas. Robert A Hoffman (76) (CDV) 116 Northmont St.,  Greensburg,  PA 15601 skypilot2hoff AT
Home Tel: 724-850-9018
Work/cell Tel: 724-989-2087
4670 2/10/03 AA#1711 2:37pm
58. San Juan de la M. / Barrio Sur Mr. Alexander Nischuk (72) (CDV) [56-1] 2004 Thoni Way, Addy,  WA 99101 anischuk AT
Home Tel: 509-935-6847
  2/11/03 AA#423 10:35pm
The "CG" in the next-to-the-last column above stands for "Carolina Graphics."  An "X" in that column indicates that the guest evangelist wants to rent a set (laptop computer, remote control system, and video projector).
Campaign Site Information

Site Name / Mtg place

Speaker Congregations / Members Supporting Est. Attendance / Baptismal goal Km. from Hotel
56. Las Matas de San Juan / Barrio el Mercado / 1 Pas. Robert Wesner 2 / 100 100 / 30 35
57. San Juan de la M. / Barrio Olímpico / 1 Pas. Robert A Hoffman 6 / 200 400 / 100 1
58. San Juan de la M. / Barrio Sur / 1 Mr. Alexander Nischuk 2 / 90 100 / 40 1
The number after the site and city names indicates the type of venue: 1=church building,  2=public hall, 3=stadium, and 4=outdoor site.

Support-Team Members

Speaker Mailing address E-mail & telephone CG Flight Arrival
0-1 Robert S Folkenberg (62) [alone] (Will stay only through Orientation & leave Thurs.) P O Bo 230, Huddleston, VA 24104 Send e-mail...  (540) 296-1602   2/10/03 AA#1901 8:39p
0-2 Pas. David Dobias (62) [alone] (Will stay only through Orientation and leave on Thurs.) 25 Easterly Lane, Fletcher, NC 28732 DavidDobias AT  (828) 687-1841   2/11/03 AA#1901 8:39p
0-3 Mr. Timothy Adams (21) (Videographer: He will be in the DR from 2/11 to end of campaign. Will need vehicle & driver to go to all sites.) 3108 SE 193rd Ave., Camas, WA. 98607 timato1 AT   r: 360-954-5555   2/11/03 AA#1901 8:39pm
0-4 Pas. Elwyn Platner (68) (Reporter: He will arrive on about 2/18 and join T Adams to visit sites.) 2403 Elizondo Ave., Simi Valley,  CA 93065-4776 74617.614 AT
r:  805-584-1685
  2/18/03 AA#1901 8:39pm
2-2 Mrs. Linda Steffens (40) [2-1; 2-3,4,5,6] P.O. Box 6, Carthage,  TN  37030 or 17 Flat Rock Rd., Lebanon, TN 37090 rlsteff AT
Home Tel: 615-443-1536
  2/12/02 AA#423 10:35p
2-3 Mr. Richard Steffens (6)[2-1,2; 2-4,5,6] P.O. Box 6, Carthage,  TN  37030 or 17 Flat Rock Rd., Lebanon, TN 37090 rlsteff AT
Home Tel: 615-443-1536
  2/12/02 AA#423 10:35p
2-4 Ms. Shayla Steffens (10)[2-1,2,3; 2-5,6] P.O. Box 6, Carthage,  TN  37030 or 17 Flat Rock Rd., Lebanon, TN 37090 rlsteff AT
Home Tel: 615-443-1536
  2/12/02 AA#423 10:35p
2-5 Mr. Robert Steffens (12)[2-1,2,3,4; 2-6] P.O. Box 6, Carthage,  TN  37030 or 17 Flat Rock Rd., Lebanon, TN 37090 rlsteff AT
Home Tel: 615-443-1536
  2/12/02 AA#423 10:35p
2-6 Mr. Randall Steffens Jr (15)[2-1,2,3,4,5] P.O. Box 6, Carthage,  TN  37030 or 17 Flat Rock Rd., Lebanon, TN 37090 rlsteff AT
Home Tel: 615-443-1536
  2/12/02 AA#423 10:35p
3-2 Mrs. Carol Lawson (45) [3-1; 3-3] 5909 Woodhaven Ridge Ct., Louisville, KY 40291 ralawson74 AT
Home Tel: 502-671-8744
  2/11/03 AA#423 10:35pm
3-3 Mr. Devin Perkins (16) [3-1; 3-2] 626 Edith Rd., Louisville,  KY 40206 devin_p14 AT
Home Tel: 502-895-7250
  2/11/03 AA#423 10:35pm
6-2 Mrs. Ginger Voignier (35)[6-1,3,4] 1905 Roosevelt Drive #25, Sellersburg, IN 47172 dvoignier AT
Home Tel: (812) 246-5738
Work/cell Tel: 502-643-2851
  2/11/03 AA#423 10:35pm
6-3 Ms. Isabella Voignier (6)[6-1,2,4] 1905 Roosevelt Drive #25, Sellersburg, IN 47172 dvoignier AT
Home Tel: (812) 246-5738
Work/cell Tel: 502-643-2851
  2/11/03 AA#423 10:35pm
6-4 Mr. Branden Voignier (10)[6-1,2,3] 1905 Roosevelt Drive #25, Sellersburg, IN 47172 dvoignier AT
Home Tel: (812) 246-5738
Work/cell Tel: 502-643-2851
  2/11/03 AA#423 10:35pm
10-2 Mr. Louis Creviston (20) [10-1] P.O. Box 302,  5922 Tanana Loop Road, Delta Junction,  AK 99737 l555 AT
Home Tel: 907-8895-4400
Work/cell Tel: 907-322-5814
  2/10/03 AA#423 10:35p
12-2 Carol Joy Powers (64) [12-1] 8259 E. Nopal Ave., Mesa, AZ 85208 Carol AT     (480)-357-1616   2/11/03 AA423 10:27p
12-3 Mr. Rick Lopez (37) [12-4] 4776 E. Guadalupe Rd. 1028,  Higley,  AZ 85236 Jjoynrick AT
Home Tel: 480-659-7774
  2/11/03 AA423 10:27p
12-4 Mrs. Joy Lopez (40) [12-3] 4776 E. Guadalupe Rd. 1028,  Higley,  AZ 85236 joynrick AT
Home Tel: 480-659-7774
  2/11/03 AA423 10:27p
13-1 Ms. Yenisey Lopez (4) C/ Petres 7,23, Sagunto, 46500 Valencia, Spain danlf AT
r: 011-34687908713
  2/10/03 Air Europa #089 6:50pm
14-2 Rhonda Poff (34) [14-1] P.O. Box 541, Boones Mill, VA 24065; or 101 Poff Lane, Boones Mill, VA 24065 drpoff AT
r: 540-334-1757; or w/c: 540-761-9757
  2/11/03 AA#1901 8:39pm
14-3 Mr. Donald Sowers (55) [14-4] 530 Beaver Creek Drive,  Wirtz, VA   24184-4231 kt4fh AT
Home Tel: 540-721-3661
  2/11/03 AA#1901 8:39pm
14-4 Ms. Carol Sowers (49) [14-3] 530 Beaver Creek Drive,  Wirtz, VA   24184-4231 kt4fh AT
Home Tel: 540-721-3661
  2/11/03 AA#1901 8:39pm
14-5 Mr. Joseph G Zeibel (55)[alone] 8321 Burnt Chimney Road, Wirtz,  VA  24184 kp-2-ae AT
Home Tel: 540-721-3116
  2/11/03 AA#1901 8:39pm
14-6 Richard W Hayman (41)[alone] 158 Ash Brook Lane NW,  Willis, VA 24380 hayman AT
Home Tel: 540-789-8456
Work/cell Tel: 336-256-0211
  2/11/03 AA#1901 8:39pm
14-7 Ms. Britny Rowland (16)[14-8,9] PO Box 8103,  Roanoke,  VA  24014 Rkesprtychic00 AT
Home Tel: 540-776-3628
  2/11/03 AA#1901 8:39pm
14-8 Ms. Rhonda Thomas (39)[14-7,9] PO Box 8103, Roanoke,  VA 24014 Info AT
Home Tel: 540-776-3628
Work/cell Tel: 540 776-0606
  2/11/03 AA#1901 8:39pm
15-2 Joshua Doucet (5) [15-1; 15-3; 15-4] 1088 Bishop St Apt. 203, Honolulu, HI 96813 doucet AT
Home Tel: 808-398-1261
Work/cell Tel: 808-398-1261
  2/10/03 AA#1901 8:39pm
15-3 Esther Doucet (7) [15-1; 15-3; 15-4] 1088 Bishop St Apt. 203, Honolulu, HI 96813 doucet AT
Home Tel: 808-398-1261
Work/cell Tel: 808-398-1261
  2/10/03 AA#1901 8:39pm
15-4 Mrs. Pauline Doucet (41) [15-1; 15-2; 15-3] 1088 Bishop St Apt. 203, Honolulu, HI 96813 doucet AT
Home Tel: 808-398-1261
Work/cell Tel: 808-398-1261
  2/10/03 AA#1901 8:39pm
36-2 Mrs. Karen S J Haynes (52) 464 Savanna Lane, Roseburg, OR 97470 hayneskaren AT
Home Tel: 541-673-1776
Work/cell Tel: 541-440-4668
  2/11/03 AA#1901 8:39:pm
40-2 Joshua Cusak (4) [40-1; 43-1] 208 Longacre Ave., Erie, PA 16509 jac730 AT
r: 814-864-8124
  2/10/03 CO#1950 1:45p
40-3 Ronald H Leaman (71) [44-1] 744 New Holland Ave.,  Lancaster,  PA 17602-2137 RoLeaman AT
Home Tel: 717-295-4963
Work/cell Tel: 717-475-2949
  2/10/03 AA#1711 2:32pm
41-2 Johnny S George (30) (CD) (co-preaching with Thomas Martin) [casa particular] 430 Wago Road, Mount Wolf,  PA 17347 JGBread01 AT
r:  717 -764-0312; w/c: 717-887-5415
  2/11/03 AA#619 11:28a
41-3 Mr. Lance Robbins (17) [casa particular] 15 Central Ave., York, PA 17402 lancelot85 AT
Home Tel: 717-764-0312
  2/11/03 AA#619 11:28a
42-3 Mr. William Otis (16) [42-1; 42-2; 42-4] 1038 Upper Van Reed Rd., Leesport, PA 19533 102555.2405 AT
Home Tel: 610-376-7798
  2/10/03 CO#1950 1:45p
42-4 Ms. Melissa B Otis (14) [42-1-; 42-2; 42-3] 1038 Upper Van Reed Rd., Leesport, PA 19533 102555.2405 AT
Home Tel: 610-376-7798
  2/10/03 CO#1950 1:45p
42-5 Ms. Bethany J Otis (11) [42-6; 42-7; 42-8] 1038 Upper Van Reed Rd., Leesport, PA 19533 102555.2405 AT
Home Tel: 610-376-7798
  2/10/03 CO#1950 1:45p
42-6 Mr. Bryan J Otis (13) [42-5; 42-7; 42-8] 1038 Upper Van Reed Rd., Leesport, PA 19533 102555.2405 AT
Home Tel: 610-376-7798
  2/10/03 CO#1950 1:45p
42-7 Ms. Chelsea Heydt (18) [42-5; 42-6; 42-8] 1695 Morgantown Rd., Reading, PA 19607 CMHeydt1 AT
Home Tel: 610-775-4978
Work/cell Tel: 610-413-3456
  2/10/03 CO#1950 1:45p
42-8 Mr. Eric Otis (16) [42-5; 42-6; 42-7] 108 Hope Way, Reading, PA 19607 donkim56 AT
Home Tel: 610-775-4660
Work/cell Tel: 610-929-4252
  2/10/03 CO#1950 1:45p
43-3 Ms. Marquita  E.  Klinedinst (29) (CD) [alone] [co-preaching with Jean Cusack] 1721 Greensburg Pike ,  West Newton,   PA 15089 damk95 AT 
r: 724-872-7304
  2/10/03 AA#635 5:47p
45-2 Mrs. Carol Lince (50) [45-1] 1949 E Union Road, Jefferson, OH  44047 clince AT   r: 440-858-2427   2/10/03 CO#1950 1:45p
46-2 Ms. Angela Raimondo (24) (CD) (co-preaching with Darrell Fink) [48-1] PO Box 359, Sherman, NY 14781 angelrai33 AT  r: 716-679-9483;  w/c: 716.672.9225   2/10/03 CO#1950 1:45p
49-2 Mrs. Alexandra Chung (40) RR3, Site304, Box8, Onoway, AB
Canada T0E-1V0
Kevinpalix AT
Home Tel: 780-967-2002
Work/cell Tel: 780-717-2002
  2/11/03 AA#1901 8:39:pm
50-2 Mrs. Joanne Balog (35) RR2, S202, B31,  Stony Plain, Alberta, Canada T7Z-1X2 admin AT
Home Tel: (780) 963-7735
Work/cell Tel: (780) 486-5158
  2/11/03 AA#1901 8:39:pm

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