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Kenya National Campaign

May 31 - June 15, 2002

(Last updated July 16, 2002 02:05 PM)

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Eldoret - Albert E. Frazier

Eldoret, the major city near the Adventist University of East Africa, is a major farming town in Western Kenya. The people are friendly and hungry for the Word of God. Albert Frazier (below), a pastor in Birmingham, AL, led out in one of the two campaigns in this community.

Albert poses with his translator (left, above). On the night he came to visit, Elder Robert Folkenberg and Albert converse before Albert begins preaching.

Elder Frazier, Sis. Hattie Hunt (right above) and Sis. Gwendolyn Tyree (center, above, a Baptist who help with the music and children's program) were the guest team members.

The kids sing "Father Abraham" in English.

Long before the meetings began already 250 had gathered.  When the sun went down and evening program with its video and graphics began, hundreds more arrived each night.

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