Jalpa de Mendez church

Sharon Erickson, evangelist

No stranger to overseas evangelism, Sharon Erickson helped her husband, Vernon with an evangelistic series in the Philippines in 2000. Then he encouraged her to conduct a series herself. She felt inadequate, but could see God's leading in making the decision to go to Mexico in January. She was assigned to the150-member Jalpa church  which, she said, was very supportive and appreciative of the nightly messages she presented.

"Bus service" brought dozens of people to the meetings from around the city which is about an hour drive from Villahermosa, Mexico.

Following the techniques outlined in the Global Evangelism orientation program, Sharon, the pastor and her translator seek the Holy Spirit's power in each meeting. A team of church members, right, provided coordination throughout the meetings


As visitors came each night Sharon experienced the thrill of seeing people people yield their lives to Jesus

Sharon rejoices to see this group of people who were baptized with hundreds of others during a mass baptism Jan. 25, in Villahermosa