Global Evangelism in Bonao |
Bonao is the home of the Dominican Adventist University which played an important part in the Global Evangelism meetings in February. In addition to three series of meetings conducted by GE evangelists, a university student held a series. Evangelists used the university for their headquarters throughout the meetings. . |
Global Evangelists serving in Bonao in February were Harvey Miller, left, of La Mesa, Calif., Robert Marcus, center, of Cheney, Wash., and James Haynes. of Roseburg, Ore. The two university students who held meetings were Stanislaus Montero and Jose Bueno Romaldo. |
Dr. Harvey Miller, a former president of the university, was coordinator for meetings in the Bonao area. His meetings were held in an old Coca Cola warehouse. As at the other meetings a banner outside the building announced the series. He learned about Global Evangelism through The Quiet Hour ministry two years ago and has held meetings both in the Dominican Republic and Cuba. In addition he has held meetings in other locations. | |
Members from the Patio del Colegio congregation were very supportive, Miller said. Many came by the most popular mode of travel, motor scooters. Health lectures by Dr. Alfa Suero de Lora, a professor at the Adventist university, provided nightly health lectures. Miller, who coordinated the evangelism programs in the Bonao area, said that other nearby communities were prepared to hold meetings, but not enough teams could be recruited. So in addition to the GE meetings local pastors conducted meetings by university and mission representatives. | |
James Haynes and his wife, Karen, right, worked with their translators, left, throughout the meetings held in a large tent in the Los Transformadores suburb. A retired US Dept. of Defense employee formerly serving in Korea, Haynes is no stranger to evangelism, having assisted his home church pastor during evangelistic meetings in Fiji and Peru. But the Bonao meetings were his first as the evangelist. He found his listeners very responsive. The Quiet Hour provided funds to assist in the cost of the meetings, Haynes said. | |
Robert Marcus, in white shirt, presented meetings nightly in a packed tent in the Sonador suburb not far from the university. At the time he learned of the need for Global Evangelists in the Dominican Republic, he was between jobs. So he made a commitment to go if the Lord would provide the funds to make the trip. After notifying friends and relatives, he left the decision to God. Soon he had the needed funds and he applied for a passport which arrived just two days before he was to leave for the Dominican Republic. When he and his staff began the meetings they set their goal at 25. But by meetings' end 32 souls had been baptized. |