San Juan de la Maguana |
Three men presented Global Evangelism meetings in February in San Juan de la Maguana. They include Robert Wesner, below, left, of Spokane, Wash., Alexander Nischuk, below right, of Addy, Wash., and Pastor Robert Hoffman of Greensburg Penn. Wessner's meetings were in Barrio el Mercado. Hoffman's series was in Barrio Olimpico. And Nischuk's meetings were in Barrio Sur. Wessner and Nischuk have long worked to help churches in the Ukraine. | |
When Robert Wesner first learned of opportunities to work with Global Evangelism (GE), he felt that he shouldn't abandon his loyalties to helping in the Ukraine. But his wife signed him up to join the GE team in the Dominican Republic. He went through the GE orientation and came to San Juan to work in a barrio of nearby Matas. Some 200 people attended the meetings regularly and by the end of the series 21 souls had been baptized. Two of the couples had to be married before baptism. "I'd like to come back here and do another series, Wesner said. | |
After Wesner decided to go to the Dominican Republic he told Alex Nischuk about his plan and Nischuk agreed to do so also. So he postponed plans to build a house. He already had a ticket to fly to Florida to visit his daughter and extended the trip to Santo Domingo. Because he had already been doing evangelism in the Ukraine for the past 11 years, it was just a matter of switching gears to work with a Spanish translator. He found that funds from The Quiet Hour radio ministry were helpful in preparing for the meetings and by the end of the series some 25 persons had been baptized and more were making plans for it. "I cant wait to do another campaign," Nischuk remarked. |